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March 1, 2025 @ 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
MAC (Multi Activity Center) at Mitch Park
2733 Marilyn Williams Dr
Edmond, OK 73003

Join us for a new monthly event inside the MAC building at Edmond’s gorgeous Mitch Park!

We’ll be meeting in a private room, at the building just south of the YMCA (when you arrive at Mitch park, look for the building just south of the YMCA. There will be a sign in front that says Parks and Recreation Administration).

We’ll have a large collection of games to play, including hot new releases, old favorites, and new-player friendly, easy-to-learn games. Volunteers are available to help you find a group to play with, teach games, and more. You are welcome to bring your own games, but it isn’t required.
Plus, free drinks and pre-packaged snacks will be available, courtesy of our event sponsor, Lo-Fi Dental!

Imagine a chill, cozy, relaxed, dental experience loaded with more amenities and comforts than you could dream—and completely bespoke to your hopes and needs. That’s the LoFi Dental Experience–dentistry to relax/vibe to. Learn more at

Finally, we’re GIVING AWAY a board game. Everyone who attends gets a free ticket, and toward the end of the night, we’ll draw a winner!

This is a family friendly and inclusive event. See our full code of conduct here: Code of Conduct